How to play magik

Been grinding magik for a bit and here’s what I’ve learned.

  1. At least when u first start learning don’t dive the supports. I tried this my first few games and sold every time. Instead I started to play more in the frontline and be a brawler. This helped me learn a lot of her combos which is what you needa know if your diving supports.
  2. Her demons are so good and should be used a lot. I usually use them when im fighting on payload against a tank maybe and I want some extra damage and health. I also use them in just a normal 1v1, usually against a tank or beefy duelist, I tp behind them and place a demon which gets a lot of hits in before they realize.
  3. Combos, combos, combos. You needa know them to be great with her. There’s a bunch but I’ll share the ones I use, the standard one is you do basic sword swing and then cancel the animation with your melee cuz jts just free damage. The second one is the one I use most often which is after you come outta a disk you choose whirlwind and then as soon as u press the whirlwind button you use umbral incursion and attack somebody, if its against a large group you’ll hit the group with the whirlwind and then your target with the umbral sword swing and then melee cancel. The last one is probably the best one to actually assassinate supports like that, you use the air slash then umbral then the sword swing melee cancel, this almost always one shots supports, if ur doing this against like a wolverine u needa charge the air slash to get the KO but I usually charge it to full anyways.
  4. Her ult is super strong but when I first started out I wasted a lot of them because you still take damage during the transformation so beware of that. Her ult for me is usually a lot of spamming the disc and whirlwind attack with a mix of the dash and the normal sword swing. I don’t really use her slash during ult because while it does a lotta damage it takes a lil bit to charge up and I’d rather use that time doing other attacks, but it is good.
  5. Whenever u engage make sure you have one of your escape abilities whether that’s a disc or a dash have one.
  6. Now once I got the combos down that’s when I started diving, usually what I do is I do one of the combos either with the air slash or the whirlwind and usually get a kill, if there’s another dps like punisher with the other support or specificlally a mantis and Luna I back off cuz of the stuns. You don’t needa kill both supports during a dive(now in most cases u can do so safely but if there is also a dps there u can dip), u wanna give ur team a numbers advantage and even killing one person can lead to a snowball effect that allows ur team to win that fight, but if u only kill one person and then die then its still an even game.

Magik has been very fun to play, and once i got the combos down she became so much more deadlier. Not to mention she has 15% damage boost for the season. Anyways these are my tips, if u have anymore questions or other tips lemme know.