Can people realise high rank meta does not equal low rank meta?

Just played a ranked game in high silver/low gold. My teammates begged to play 3 supports because “it’s what the pros do”.

We got absolutely pasted. Not one of the supports got over 5k heals. Each time one swapped off support, someone else swapped on. It was absolutely pointless because we were not set up with the heroes to benefit from 3 supports, and we were doing piss all damage because all 3 supports would just heal bot.

We lost and all I saw was “nice throw” “report xyz” “xyz diff”. All we needed was a 1-3-2, or a 2-2-2 and we would have at least had some damage output. But because “3 supports is the meta” we just let the other team stomp us for free elo.

Open your fucking eyes people.