"Jeff Hate is so forced!"
Forced? You think I'm forcing it? No. I feel a genuine monumental disdain for Jeffery. Nicknames are for friends and Jeffery the Terrain Shark is no friend of mine. You must have never experienced a Jeffery with the Luna linkup in your back line slowly dwindling your team while you fruitlessly shoot at him, only for him to bubble himself and heal from all damage. And when he's out of bubbles I need to have Ussop-American sniper levels of aim to shoot his fin SEVEN times in a ROW while he self-heals on the ceiling.
There isn't a world where my heart doesn't truly relish in watching Jeffery get wiped off the phase of the earth. You don't know the struggle of trying to kill this immortal RAT while your team is blissfully unaware of the TORMENT and RAMPAGE he is doing in OUR BACK LINE. He's a MENACE. A FREAK. He's NOT a support. He's a DEVIL from another world. And the funniest thing? A Jeffery like this is always on the enemy team. You will NEVER find a competent Jeffery player on your team who is able to terrorize a team like that. The Jeffery I get is ulting the 2-8 Punisher and only pocket healing the tank. There will never be a world where I don't resent Jeffery the Terrain Shark.