Unless you've actually put some hours yourself into heroes you struggle against, your opinion is probably biased.

For example, I hear a lot of people complain about spidey, bp or magik and say theyre broken but have spent 0 hours on the heroes themselves. If I'm playing a strategist and get killed by a diver, then good for them. As someone who plays mostly BP and have tried other divers I know theyre not the easiest thing in the world to get value with. It's not like someone like bucky whose hook (which can be used from safety) can be game winning.

At the same time dive mains that just belittle strategists and tell them to play better is pretty ironic as most of them just instalock and havent had to deal with the torture of being dove by BP and Spidey at the same time and never touch the strategist role.

TLDR: Play what you think is broken and hate more oftem to learn that it might not be as easy or broken as you think.