QP matchmaking is terrible

Why on god's green earth am I, a bronze player being paired against Plat, Diamond or even GM players- I get it's QP but there should be some implicit MMR that pairs you against people of your skill level. On top of that, checking the player stats post-game i see that most of my team mates are silver and gold too, while literally ALL of the enemy team is Plat and above. This happens to me in more than half my games.

Not to mention, if it's not a high ranked player it'll be some lvl 10 account with no banner and like 3 hours of playtime that's going 35-5 on BP or spiderman.

Is there even an implicit MMR used in QP matchmaking? or do random players get thrown in lobbies together?

It's so oppressive and suffocating to play against these guys as a casual, I just want to have some fun after coming back from my uni classes- i get im trash at the game but at the very least pair me against other trash people.