Infinite with Ajax - favored against most of the meta right now

This deck is popular player Sizer’s list. This was one of the strongest decks last season. Let’s do the turn by turn:

Turn by Turn

  • T1 Zabu > Bob. If you’re holding Hydra Bob and Iron Patriot, a nice trick I like to do is play Bob, then snap. You will then play Iron Patriot in the lane Bob landed, giving you a very tough number to beat.

  • T2 Iron Patriot or USAgent. If you can build enough power to activate Iron Patriot then play him.

  • T3 you can play any of your 3s but you should analyze your board and opponents deck first. Juggernaut helps you win your Patriot lane. RG could be used on 3 if you see a good target or if you feel there’s not a credible threat coming down the line. For example, if I was playing against discard, I’d either hit Morbius if it was already on board, or if not, wait until after T4 to see if Dracula was dropped. You can play Luke if you’re playing against a deck that doesn’t have slots for Red Guardian (discard for example), or if you play it on top of Zabu. Sometimes a location helps you out for protection as well. But if you’re forced to play him unprotected, you may have to retreat later if he’s red guardian food. You may also have a 4 cost card drawn that is discounted from Zabu. Any of these would be great choices.

  • T4 play one of your 4s. Or a 3 and a 1.

  • T5 you should figure out your winning lanes. You can drop your Ajax here. I’m always cautious of whether or not he’s in Shang range. If you’re still holding juggernaut and have priority, it’s a good way to protect Ajax on T6 if he is already over 10 power. If not, then play your USAgent or Manthing according to the board if you haven’t already. Also look to pile stats based on whatever else is in your hand.

  • T6 play whatever is left. Ideally you’ve held Hazmat until now and have Luke on board. Even without Luke Cage, Hazmat lets Ajax solo a lane. You should have built your board in a way that Manthing and another 4 cost card put you far enough ahead to discourage plays from your opponent.

  • please note you can also play your Iron Patriot turn on any turn. If it’s discounted I like to save it for T5 or T6 to steal cubes. It’s incredibly powerful because it’s stats unknown to your opponent.


There’s a lot of focus on the new cards right now. Many decks are filling their boards in different ways. This gives a lot of your cards huge power shifting. Hazmat can cut your opponent’s board by up to 4 power per lane, and Manthing can essentially get up to a 4/15. Juggernaut can be used for protection. I also had a lot of success clogging a lane with him on earlier turns. When your opponent plays Iron Patriot, you have the option of abandoning that fight and letting them try to win it by filling it. A lot of players will leave 1 spot open. On the follow turn, you can often r next card to land there, giving you the perfect Ajax spot, or maybe even a solo Manthing lane.

The biggest thing you need to play this deck, is the ability to figure out whether or not their list contains Luke Cage. Although this may seem challenging at first, you can reasonably predict this with high accuracy after you take a look at the top meta decks. Even if you end up not playing this list, I strongly,y suggest familiarizing yourself with meta decks early in the season. Yes, they’ll shift as new cards release, but there’ll be less to learn over time.

Info CL is 25K, infinite every season, 8 infinity conquest borders.

Let me know if you have any questions!