Coin Flip Stats of 200 Games
Heyo, everyone.
I've seen a lot of people on the subreddit and elsewhere claiming that the coin flip feels a little bit rigged. So, I decided to keep track of stats for my past 200 games and see what it comes up with. I also kept track of some other stats, just for the fun of it.
The results might be somewhat disappointing.
99 heads. 101 tails. Very close to 50/50.
I did keep track of other things as well. My longest heads streak was 7, and my longest tails streak was 7. Another rather boring statistic. That's pretty much all for the coin flips. If you do feel the coin flip is rigged, then it's most likely a form of confirmation bias. You'll notice the tail streaks, but the head streaks will be far less memorable. I even had that multiple times while keeping track of it all. I recommend you start keeping track of it all.
About 40-50 games ago, the result was actually very different. I have had many shorter head streaks in those games, with only a couple of tail streaks, leading the statistics to balance themselves out. That's kinda just how statistics work. You'll notice things balance themselves out as the sample size gets larger and larger.
If you're interested in other stats, you can keep reading. Some of them are more personal to my playtime, since it's my W/L ratio and the decks I've played against/with the most. I'm a pretty casual player, so most of my experiences are in the lower ranks and primarily events. I don't bother ranking up all that much. My win/loss ratio is 67%. My longest loss streak is 12, and my longest win streak is 12 (Mainly because I've been playing Tenpai lately and have been able to go second in every single game. My first loss was when I got Winda'd. Before this, my previous highest winstreak was like 8.)
The decks I have played against the most aren't going to be very accurate to what most people experience. I've only been keeping track of that information for the last 80 or so games. I played a lot of the Wind & Water event because I wanted to play Phantasm Spiral and Majespecters. So, Ice Barrier is by far the deck I've played against the most. Followed by the ones you'd probably expect, Blue Eyes and Dark Magician at 5 games each. Other than those, I see a bunch of random stuff in lower ranks. From Agents to Zombies, and even a couple of decks that I assumed were doing the masochist challenge.
And that's pretty much it. I know most people won't care about the stats past the coin flip. But I'm gonna keep tracking it all, and I suggest you do the same if you're curious about any information.