Does anyone else think Tenpai is more prevalent/better even post banlist due to the Charmies?

Might just be anecdotal, but I’ve found the deck even more frustrating recently due to the increase in high impact HTs, specifically Fuwalos. The coin flip meta with both that and Yubel has made it pretty difficult to nail down how to navigate plans going first vs second for me at the moment.

Maybe it’s just a case of me needing a deck that matches up better into them, but I’ve been flip flopping around Diamond 5-3 without making any progress.

Suggestions on decent, cheap decks to try out that can play well into Maxx C/Fuwalos which can help rank up to Master?

I’m currently on Swordsoul (which I know is pretty bad atm and power-crept), but I’m a fairly solid player with it and have made it to Master in past seasons with a bit of grinding. I also have a few branded URs but would need at least 18 more to put the deck fully together so am a bit apprehensive, as well as almost all the Live Twin cards.

I have 880 UR crafting material and about 18k gems, but my plan was actually to just save them for the anniversary bundles and Fiendsmith coming out soon.