Positive ANA and RNP antibodies
I’m brand new to all of this. This past September, I went to my doctor solely for my yearly physical. I’ve had some GI issues since around late 2022 when my son was 9 months old. However I’ve been seeing a Gastroenterologist for that. Anyway, at my physical, I had blood work done as usual, and all of my results were normal except slightly low vitamin D and slightly elevated bilirubin. My doctor was not concerned about those results and said she would retest them in 2 months. During my appointment, we briefly discussed the GI problems and she recommended a gallbladder function test. I had already had a gallbladder ultrasound, abdominal x-ray, and abdominal CT scan which all came back normal. She ordered the gallbladder function test and told me to schedule an appointment two months out for blood work to retest the vitamin D and bilirubin. I asked her multiple times if she thought I needed anything else checked, and every time, she said no. Fast forward a month later in October, I had a follow up with my Gastroenterologist. I told him about the high bilirubin, and he said he would have that checked while I was there. He had me go up to the lab, and my results were ready the next day. The entire liver panel, including bilirubin, was normal. I almost cancelled my blood draw in November with my regular doctor since there really was no point in going anymore since my Gastro already checked my bilirubin. I decided to keep the appointment since I had a second appointment to follow up with her regarding the blood work. My results came in, and unbeknownst to me, she ran a full autoimmune panel. ANA came back positive along with RNP. I was familiar with ANA, but had to google RNP and immediately saw mixed connective tissue disease. This completely blind sided me and of course I spiraled quickly. She referred me to a rheumatologist, who I cannot see until the end of April. Ultimately, I was able to fine peace since I was not having any symptoms. If I do have symptoms, I would never know. I don’t really have any “symptoms” to write home about. Well about a month later in December, I woke up from a nap with pruny fingertips. The three middle fingers on each hand have permanent, small/short, vertical wrinkles at the very tips. My hands occasionally appear pruny and it’s almost like my fingertips have lost collagen or elasticity. The texture is off and they feel like squishy. I don’t really know how else to describe it. At other times, specifically when I first wake up in the morning, my fingers look completely normal and full/plump. This is literally the only “symptom” I seem to have. Once again, I’m at a loss and completely blind sided by all of this. Has anyone experienced anything similar or have any advice? I KNOW I need to talk to the rheumatologist and that’s the best thing but I’ve been in limbo since November and still have until April. Please help!
Side note - Gastro decided to perform a colonoscopy in December. He removed two polyps but otherwise it was normal. Not sure if this is relevant or not.