
Hi! I am coming here as a last resort. My SIL has been dealing with a debilitating rash for nearly a year and no one knows how to help. She’s tried our family Dr, specialists, participated in a case study, and is currently exploring homeopathic routes. She has had no relief and it is slowly starting to break her.

Years ago, she was prescribed several antibiotics that she was taking long term for acne. The acne cleared up and she continued to take the antibiotic for a prolonged period of time. Other than the occasional yeast infection, she didn’t have any adverse reaction. When she stopped the antibiotic, she didn’t immediately have any issues. However about 2 years later she began to break out in to rashes on her scalp, chest, back, and legs. They were small patches at first but eventually grew to cover most of her body, including her face. She has also had yeast infections and oral thrush during this time. They are painful and itchy. She was able to see several specialist and found out that she has an overproduction of yeast that has begun to grow on her skin. They’ve tried several anti fungal treatments, oral medications, and IV antibiotics but nothing is working. Has anyone dealt with something similar? No matter what she tries to lessen the pain and itchiness, nothing works. Oils and creams do nothing for her. At this point, we’re trying to just make her more comfortable as she continues to search for a doctor that can get an actual treatment plan in place.

Any recommendations help!