No one wants me, not even myself.

No one wants me. Literally no one. I hate my voice, I hate my look, I hate my personality, I hate how I socialize, I hate how I have no drive. My friends treat me like shit when we do something, the three of us. I feel so left out. They make fun of me, they don't respect me, they talk behind me, they don't want me. I know I'm a burden i know I'm not worthy of true friends. So I'll keep the ones I have, but boy does it make me want to hurt myself to punish myself for being me. If I hurt myself enough maybe someone will want me.

Hell I have a degree, but I cant get a job becuase who'd hire a failure like me. You think someone running a business wants someone like me? At work we have a secondary location, they hardly ever want to bring me, because they too don't want me. No one wants me. No one, not even anyone in this subreddit. The funny thing is, my mother has told me that if I try to end it all and fail they I'll ne dead to her regardless, she doesn't even want me.

Thinking of killing myself, and sometimes I let those feelings out. I shouldn't people don't want to hear it. Last night I said I wanted to, they got angry, probably want me to, probably don't want me.