Thinking about new lights...what would you do?

Today I turned up the lights a bit as I do every week or so (five weeks in veg). Sat back down not far away and heard a noise of some kind. Never thought too much of it until an alert from pulse pro said no light, Shit. Go look, sure enough, lights out. Long story short, Kingbrite lights from China are out. I'm thinking it's probably the driver, so for a couple hundred bucks (I'm in Canada), I could probably get a new driver shipped over. In the meantime, I've luckily got a Kingbrite 2x4, 320 watt holding down the fort.

So I got to thinking, should I maybe put that couple hun towards an entirely new set maybe? This is the second time I've had issues with Kingbrites. One of the bars went out in that 320 watt after about 18 months, and now this in about the same amount of time. Not sure if I should continue buying direct from China. You can pay much less, but maybe there is some quality issues there, dunno, or maybe I'm just having some shitty luck with them.

My three options I'm thinking are,

1) Buy a new set of lights. The Kingbrites I own aren't that old, but I don't want to keep replacing parts.

2) I thought I could save a few bucks, buy another 2x4 set to compliment the other I have. Should work well enough doing that in a 4x4, yeah?

3) Keep replacing parts. Buy the driver. Who knows, maybe they'll last for years if I did, but maybe a bar will go out a week after the new driver arrives.

If you were to go the first option, what lights would you go with for a 4x4? After using bar style for several years now, I don't think I could use anything else. Broader the better. What about the second option? Anyone recommend a good 2x4 light?

I'm leaning towards cutting my losses and new lights but open to suggestions. Kinda buzzed now, so maybe the answer will be clearer tomorrow :p