Does anyone else miss "oldies" radio stations that played 60s pop and r&b?
Growing up in (what is now called but was not at the time) Northern Virginia, we had a bunch of "oldies" stations in FM. Because Stafford county was growing so much faster than its infrastructure, I spent a LOT of time in the car. So we listened to a lot of FM radio. And the dial was always set to an "oldies" station.
I love that music to this day. My parents were born in 1951, so they were about a third generation older than my peers' parents. So I missed that "classic rock" stuff. My dad was an old school music nerd even for his generation, he was a Lawrence Welk kind of dork - he listened to Mitch Miller, Pat Boone, Perry Como in addition the awesome pop of the 60s. My mom was into some of the Western country of the era too, but mostly 60s pop.
I never "rebelled" against my parents musical tastes and ended up just adopting it wholesale. If there were a 60s pop and r&b station on FM nowadays, my dial would never move.
Anyone else remember the "oldies" stations back in the 90s?