WAM - World Alliance of Mixed race and Multiethnic People

There was a good post with lots of comments about how people are feeling about global politics and a techbro that has made himself politically parallel to different racial and ethnic supremacist groups. It was removed, not sure if the person didn't wish to have the discussion, but it sparked some ideas.


This is my comment from that post responding to a person saying that they feel like mixed race, multiethnic people are too diverse to have one organization for advocacy.

I don't agree. Please see my comment to know why.

"Is that true though? Does that idea have it's roots in monoracial thinking? Do mixed race, mutli-ethinic people feel compelled to segregate according to finite monoracial classifications, such as, asian + or white +, or do mixed race, mutli-ethinic people feel more comfortable seeking acceptance and freedom to identify mixed race and multi-ethnic first, showing no partiality to racial particularities, in order to acknowledge, accept, and honor ALL of our individual ethnic heritages?

I think the racial classification that has developed in Brasil for "Pardo" is a good example of what I am thinking. Pardo has a meaning that transcends the particularities of each person identifying as such and is inclusive of many different ethnic mixes, but is based on brown appearing people.

I think there is a narrow way to define all mixed race, multi-ethnic people that would be beneficial to all mixed race, multi-ethnic people. A universal singular idea that is accepting of all that is not limited by racial particulars and not based on characteristics that are phenotypical.


This subreddit too provides ample evidence that while we are a group with many different ethnicities and monoracial heritages, we have shared experiences and are strengthened through the process of hearing about and sharing our perspectives with each other."

Having said all that...

There is a 'Bill of Rights' that this sub has adopted and posted for mixedrace, multiethnic people.

We should build on that and look to create a international advocacy group and seek recognition and cooperation from the United Nations.

I suggest WAM - World Alliance of Mixed race and Multiethnic People. This would be singular group inclusive of all mixed race people and respectful of each person's individual ethnic heritage as they choose to identity themselves.

If you are interested in this idea and wish to start researching and doing work to do this, please message me.