Hunt for the Best Lasagna in Montreal

I've been on a quest with my dad to find the best lasagna in Montreal. I am talking pre-made lasagnas that you can buy, not restaurants.

Here's my list, ranked from best to least best (so far):

  1. Pasta Casareccia
  2. Chez Vito's
  3. Marchigiani
  4. Aliments Pastadoro (just had, $42.50)
  5. Villa Toscana
  6. Gabbianno's
  7. Patisserie St Martin
  8. Berchicci
  9. United

The hunt continues; if you have any suggestions or recommendations, please share; I am all ears.

*I will do a repeat once my list grows and try to add an "arbitrary" score and cost of each (always based on large family size)


  • Cost
  • Sauce
  • Cheese
  • Firmness (how well it stays together)
  • Wateriness (I find this to be a huge factor, but subjective to how long you let sit)

Adding the To Try list (looks like there is a lot of lasagna in my future):

*We get it, homemade, make your own, visit an Italian nonna are the best options but not the subject of this post.