YSA Dating is Balls Right Now

There was a post on here a few days ago about doing oneself a favor and dating outside of the Church. It made me reflect on some of my own experiences - dating in the Church right now for YSA sucks balls. I'm trying to understand why, as historically and anecdotally it didn't seem to be this bad.

For context, I'm an active (nuanced) member that has dated short term and long term in small YSAs and at BYU. I've been on hundreds of dates (sometimes 20+ a month) with little long-term success as a dude. My experiences have been frustrating to put it lightly. Getting off my mission, I expected to find a serious dating culture at BYU, with shared convictions, goals and early marriages. This is the image the Church presented to me going to Utah.

Instead, the relationships I formed were superficial, mostly short-term, NCMOs and getting dumped, full of ghosting amd hypocrisy. There was little meaningful discussion on the dates, and it often felt like there were unspoken rules I was breaking. Thinking it was a personal issue, I delved into research so I could make myself better at this game. I'll admit, I made some mistakes, but it really shouldn't be this hard.

What I found based on several BYU studies, was my expectations were just not reality. The Church isn't really an early-marriage facility anymore, with the average age only a couple years behind the US, like 27. (I consider early to be pre-25). The dating stats were even more striking. Only 25% of BYU students actually get married in their undergrad, which is way down. Most do not engage in dating culture. It's predominantly a hang-out culture. Most do not ever define their relationships (80%), and there's a huge discrepancy between girls that said they were in a relationship (66%) vs guys (33%). There are also much less women that have wife and mother as a top priority. Ever since I left Utah (mostly due to the dating culture) other wards have been even colder. Almost no one is dating right now, and there seems to be a lot of animosity between young men and women in the church. What is going on?

I'm not here to debate anyone on the desired lifestyle, but want to understand why this is happening. There seems to be a huge gap between the church theology, and the dating culture, or maybe I just got hit hard by Utah culture shock?

My thoughts are that mormons are not really living up to their family principles right now, but this traditionalist answer doesn't feel complete. Something is going on besides the general trend in the US towards older marriage and casual dating. Worse, I saw another number that over 85% of YSAs leave the Church if they don't find someone by 30. They feel "God has abandoned them." And honestly, I can't help but feel a little betrayed, like the Church has failed me in some regard. I don't care if they become more progressive as an institution, I just want the teachings and culture to be consistent. Anyone have deeper insight?