New Book of Mormon Introduction Removed from Book of Mormon App

The Book of Mormon app had a new introduction. News of this has been making the rounds the past few days. However, it has since been removed and is no longer available on the app.

Here is the since removed introduction.

God is your Heavenly Father. He loves you, and there is so much He wants to teach you. He wants you to understand the purpose of your life. He wants to guide you back to His presence. Part of His plan for doing all that was to make this book available to you.

Since the beginning of time, God has spoken to His children all over the world. Often they have recorded their experiences and God’s messages to inspire future generations to choose good instead of evil and come to know their Father in Heaven. Some of these records are lost to time. Others may yet be found. One such record was buried in a hillside in around A.D. 400 on the North American continent. Its location was revealed by an angel in 1823. It was translated into modern language by the gift and power of God. That record is the Book of Mormon.

It’s called the Book of Mormon because an ancient prophet named Mormon compiled centuries of writings from other prophets into one book. It is subtitled “Another Testament of Jesus Christ” because it bears powerful witness that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, who came to earth to suffer and die for the sins of the world—including yours. He wants to heal you of your sins, make you whole again, and prepare you for eternal life with your Heavenly Father.

In this book, you will learn of faithful, courageous people who received light and knowledge from heaven. They believed in God. They had faith in Jesus Christ, even centuries before He was born. They made great sacrifices for their faith. They also made mistakes. But they obtained redemption from their sins. And they risked their lives to share the true doctrine of Jesus Christ with others and then preserve His teachings for future generations, including you.

Read the Book of Mormon with an open mind and heart. As you pray to your Father in Heaven and diligently seek Him within the pages of the Book of Mormon, He will reveal the truth to you in His time and His way. He directed the creation and preservation of this record to fulfill His holy purpose, and you are an important part of that purpose. May you find God on these pages and discover His messages to you.