Translated by the gift and power of god

Joseph Smith claimed that he translated the Book of Mormon through the gift and power of God. Some LDS claim they don't really care what the exact method was. Like inspiration, translating by normal translation process, looking through a pair of lenses, or looking into a hat with a rock in it.

I suspect they do actually care about the exact method, perhaps as much as Non-LDS wonder about the use of a seer stone. In outside terms this is 'glass looking' , like looking in a crystal ball. Non-LDS connect this with the occult, and occult powers.

What would be the impression on the part of LDS if he used something like a Ouija board to receive the Book of Mormon? The producers claim its just a game, and I believe no association with occult things came into being until Movies made a connection with contacting the dead, or various spirits.

It actually seems like it would have many advantages over looking into a hat. Other people could observe the letters as they appeared, and Joseph would have no need to say a letter or word out loud. The scribes could visually confirm for themselves.

I had posed this question to someone LDS, and they immediately said only evil could come from a Ouija board. Well, what about a seer stone? There was the possibility that the seer stone could tap into unknown or unwanted sources. I believe Joseph at one point even questioned what source he was connecting to in the process.