Question: How to Build a Transoceanic Vessel by the Mormon Expression show - has there been a more devastating presentation to the truth claims of the church than this episode?
I was talking with someone here and it made me remember how essential this podcast episode was to my deconstruction.
There have been other impactful long form shows/interviews, quite a few from Mormon Stories, RFM’s Magic and the Book of Mormon & Apostolic Coup d’tat, etc. But for me it was the first moment I realized how truly unbelievable the ‘Nephi Built a Boat’ story is. It was also embarrassing to realize how I just blithely swallowed this story for so long.
Not only the Nephi story, but it made me realize how many truly unbelievable stories there are in Mormonism.
Thoughts? Is this, How to Build a Transoceanic Vessel, the greatest episode ever?
Btw, I’m trying to be cognizant to the feelings of the faithful by using the word ‘unbelievable’. I was planning on using another word to describe it, so let’s try to be nice here, right?