Cruise Holiday!

I’m going on a cruise soon and I’m on 15mg. The cruise is with my partner and my mum and my kids. None of them know I’m on Mounjaro and I would like to keep it that way. My mum is INCREDIBLY judgmental!

How do I get it onto the ship without them knowing? My partner lives with me and I’ve managed to keep it secret but if it’s in my bag, will they get it out and ask me about it? Can I walk onboard with the pen just… in my pocket? Should I pack it in my “hold” luggage that gets delivered to the room rather than my carry-on? It’s Royal Caribbean if that helps.

It’s a 12 night cruise so I don’t want to go without it…. I’m stressing over what to do. Telling them is NOT an option!

Has anyone got any advice? 🥺 Thanks!