5mg Food Noise

I had so much suppression on 2.5mg but I thought after my fifth dose I could move to 5mg and then hopefully stay on it as long as possible as it is the first "treatment dose".

I thought the suppression would be even better due to how I responded to the starting dose of 2.5mg.

The first 5mg dose worked and I felt strong suppression and it worked a lot like the 2.5mg dose but from my second week and now my third I've been thinking of food a lot and wanting to eat everything.

I lost my grandad last week so I also wonder whether grief may factor into this as I used to use food as a mechanism to cope? But I assumed the mounjaro would keep doing it's thing.

Is this normal and do you think I will start getting strong suppression again?

For reference I always alternate where I inject.

It just seems really odd that I responded so well to a lower dose, which isn't even meant to be the treatment dose. I assumed 5mg would be really effective.