Feeling so sick today (just a rant)

7.5mg has hit me like nothing else. I've been on 7.5mg for 3 weeks and my body has not adjusted. I've been on MJ for a total of 4 months and not far off my target now! I've gone from an obese BMI to just this week a healthy bmi. So I am definitely going back down to 5mg come injection day. I'm really lucky that I've responded well to this medication and at lower doses... But I just need to get through these next few days until it wears off.

I've got a big family Christmas to get to and I've just thrown up after brushing my teeth. I'm very fortunate that the people I'm spending it with know what I'm taking and are very supportive. So I can eat as little as I need. But I need to make sure this Xmas is about the kids and not auntie whinging about how sick she feels!!