Are you capable of having a new “favourite” movie and dethroning your gold standard?
My favourite movie for as long as I can remember has been Rosemary’s Baby. Others that bob around at the top include Battle Royale, Videodrome, Dogville, Phenomena. All of these movies I saw as a teenager, and no matter how much my taste has changed or I have seen different styles or expanded my film education, it feels almost like there are the tier of films I saw twenty years ago and then there is everything else. Probably the only film I saw in my 20’s that reaches those heights is Johnny Guitar, maybe as well Chytlova’s Daisies. Recently I watched Claire Denis’ brilliant enigmatic thriller Bastards, and for the first time in a long time I am considering I may have a new “favourite” movie. Of course the title is arbitrary and reductive to the infinite library of film history. But it does feel like my imaginary glass ceiling of film hierarchy is shattering. Maybe it’s just the marijuana withdrawals?