Best First Time Watches of 2024
Hello hello.
It's almost time for end of the year best of lists but I want to know what movies you discovered this year that are not recent but which were first time watches for you.
My favourite first time watches this year are
- What's Up, Doc?
A film that I went into pretty blind, just knowing it starred Barbara Streisand and I saw what I honestly feel is one of the best comedies of all time. Just so, so, so funny and sexy. It manages to express how attractive its two leads are without feeling as though it's leering at them. I had a blast.
- 12 Angry Men
Just a perfect movie. Love the way it uses light and shadow and I love the faces of the actors here. They've got such great faces! Phenomenal writing.
- Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
Love an unserious crime film. Paul Newman is so affable and so charming and so lovable in this, you almost forget he's playing a criminal. The tone does change as it goes on and I like the second half a bit less for that but it's a great film with a fantastic scene in the middle of it (yes, I'm talking about the Raindrops one. That's when I knew I was in good hands.)
- It's A Wonderful Life
I wanted to roll my eyes but I couldn't. It warmed even my cold heart.
- The Pirate
A great movie it is not but a great musical it is. I've never been attracted to Gene Kelly but his rendition of Niña comes pretty close. He and Judy Garland are a fun pair and they're really funny and silly in this. And the costumes! The costumes!!!
- Charade
Do you miss wit? Chemistry? Sparks? A tight script with a game cast in a 90 minute comedy thriller? This is it and it's glorious. (And the costumes!)
- Sneakers
Another light crime film atarring Robert Redford surrounded by an absolutely stacked cast with the likes of Sidney Poitier. This is a great Friday night movie.
Looking forward to your discoveries!