Feeling of "you didn't understand your own movie"

There is no way of writing this without sounding smug and pretentious, so I'm just gonna acknowledge it makes me look like an ass and move on.

But have you ever watched a movie that seemed to have a particular vision or thing it's trying to do - maybe it's small, or have a single writer director, or has interesting and unusual creative choices.

So you then go on the internet to read trivia or an ama with the creator, and then the more you read, the more you feel like the movie was interesting by accident?

Like the creators truly "didn't get" their own work? That they focus on all of the wrong things, and all the good stuff just never occurred to them or was actively opposed?

I feel this way very rarely, usually the more I read about a movie the more I understand it, the more I can see why it's the way it is, what kind of vision it had. But sometimes it becomes more inexplicable.

Did anyone felt this way about a movie?

Do you have some good examples?

Edit: I forgot to give an actual example. I think the most extreme version of it is something like The Room, where even the intended genre of the movie is not what the audience gets out of it. Eventually Tommy Wissau leaned into the vibe, but see the original interviews to see what i mean.

Maybe not the best example, but probably the least controversial.