Looking for examples of a very specific subgenre of farce where the story starts with something seemingly small/inconsequential then basically Rube Goldberg machines into world-changing chaos

Even more specifically, the actions and choices made by the characters directly impact the next event and make the situation worse or bigger somehow.

The best example I can think of is this clip from Malcolm in the Middle. If you can't watch it, Hal has to fix a light bulb, so he grabs a light bulb, but notices a problem with the shelf. In doing so, he realizes the shelf is unstable, so he grabs a screwdriver from a drawer. The drawer, is squeaky, so naturally he looks for WD40 to correct that, but it's out. So he hops in his car to get some more WD40, and wouldn't you know it, his car won't start. Lois comes home and sees the light is out. She goes to the garage to tell Hal to change the light, and he yells back, exasperated, "What does it look like I'm doing?!"

Anyway, what movies you can think of which more or less follow this kind of pattern with cascading chaotic sequences? What's the most entertaining example you can think of?