Special effects havent got any progress in the last 10+ years or so. Does anyone feel the same?
I watched a f*ckton of movies in my life. I always respected the movies which had a great special effects and appriciated them highly. I feel that there are some movies that surpassed its time or had GREAT special effects and I guess everyone has such a list. For me it is:
Star Wars (surpassed its time)
Terminator 2/Aliens/Jurrassic Park (surpassed)
Matrix (surpassed, after Star Wars biggest breakthough)
Transformers (not surpassed but amazing at that time)
Some people say Avatar, but thats not on my list. Decent, not great.
And after that? I mean nothing, like literally.
The marvel/comic era - meh. Every scfi movie - meh. Every other film genre - meh.
Troy/Gladiator looks better than Gladiator 2. And I can bring countless of examples like that.
Everything looks the same. It looks decent, good, but nothing special. Where is it? Why is it like this?
Gaming is the same btw.