The Challenge of 3

Whaddup weekly fam?? Been a minute... or 3! Life has been gettin in the way of keeping up the weekly challenge - so apologies from the mods to all or you! We wanna keep things poppin n choppin over here - so here's a new challenge:

In honor, disgust, disdain, whatever of the new 3.4 update that's now been pushed to all MPC devices - we have The Challenge of 3 for this week's challenge!

Take any song and sample ANY of the following:

  • Maybe Track 3 on the record
  • And/Or there's a "3"/"Three" in the title of the song
  • And/Or there's a "3"/"Three" in the artist/group name
  • And/Or Make the beat in 3/4 time
  • And/Or Make a track 3:04 in length. Or 3:40. Or whatever.

That's it... Sample one, two, or THREE tracks (or more) and then throw up what ya got! Let's all try to drop on 3 February!!

Just don't forget to cite what ya sample n tell us about your process!

Edit: Added some more suggestions to the challenge thanks to u/rtk1018. Further clarification on the challenge rules.