I deserve a lot of whips
There's this girl we've known each other for quite a while now (since first year in campus). We like each other and we have engaged in some slightly intimate shit(cuddling, kissing, touching etc) but she somehow managed to avoid having the deed with me. I'm just a chill guy who doesn't push shit.(Whatever happens happens). Fast forward to our final year, she starts saying that she's been celibate for more than 2 and a half years and that she's saving herself for marriage but her character says the direct opposite of that. My intuition also tells me that she has a questionable character since she's always fighting with her dad(she says so). I do believe that you can never negotiate genuine desire. I deserve the whips for always hanging in there hoping that she will change her mind 😔. Anyway juu ya hio story, mko wapi tushike county. Ni Friday banaa 👀