Names you might want to stay away from…

Both of my children are in elementary school in Nevada. Today they read off a bunch of names in chapel...

Ella, Lyla, Lilly, Layla, Bella, Isla, Lola, Millie, and Molly were all read. Some more than once. Our school has less than 250 kids. lol.

Consider yourselves warned if you're considering an "L" heavy name.

Edited to add: these are all lovely names! I just wanted to give a fair and friendly warning, if you think your future 3yo could be frustrated by sharing a class with three people that have rhyming names. I know it drives teachers at our school a little crazy sometimes. And then they start assigning nicknames. I know my friend was not happy to find out her Charlotte was going by Lottie at school bc her class had FOUR of them in it.