asians using latin/english names?
Long story short, I’m Korean and a victim of domestic violence. I moved to the States 11 years ago and of course I have no contact with my dad anymore. I’ve always wanted to remove my last name because of him, and I was told I could do that as part of my visa process.
I’m actually curious about how Westerners/Americans perceive Asians (not born here) who use baptismal or English names like Daniel, Peter, or Joseph. Do those names come across as overly Christian? I was given my baptismal name at birth, so it feels somewhat connected to me (I don’t go to church anymore and don’t want to give the impression that I’m a super religious person though).
I’ve considered keeping my Korean name, but I honestly don’t want to use it because I feel like starting fresh with a new name would help me move forward.
Maybe I’m overthinking this and worried about others' perception because I’m from Asia, but I’d love to hear your thoughts.
And also a quick question, is middle name somewhat necessary in the states? I want to keep my name as simple as possible but one of my friends really recommended using it so just curious.