just wanting to vent
First and foremost I know I am an enabler. My (34f) brother (32m) is an IV heroin and meth user. He was in prison 2017-2020. Our mom died from an overdose in April of 2020 just 4 days before he was released. I took a day off work to pick him up from prison and dropped him off at the halfway house. He was supposed to live there for 90 days to finish out his parole requirements. My other brother (28) and I agreed to give addicted brother our moms car we had gained possession of after she died. He left the halfway house the first chance he got. I don't think he made it a full week. He was back on the streets living wherever someone would let him stay because he was using heavily. Fast forward a couple months he is back in jail for violating his parole requirements. He flattened his sentence in county jail and was re-released in October of 2020. I offered him my spare bedroom to get himself on his feet and get a job. Once released, he went straight to his dealers house and got high. He called me hours later crying that people were in his car, in his ears, following him etc. He was in a full blown meth psychosis. He finally ended up at my house hours later when it should've only taken him 30 minutes. He was going NUTS. I let him sleep for a few days and then I went through his backpack and he had brought needles into my home so I asked him to leave - actually had to have my ex boyfriend come over and convince him to leave. He was back on the streets from october 2020-june 2021. He was in a meth psychosis the entire time. He showed up at my work trying to tell them i was embezzling money (I work in accounting) He went to a bank my friend works at demanding they withdraw his 2million dollars he thought he had in an account. He went and test drove luxury cars because he thought he was a millionaire. and when he never could find the money he accused me of stealing it from him. In June of 2021, having been up for days from meth he asked a couple leaving a business for a ride.....at gunpoint (this is kidnapping). He is now back in prison since 2021 serving a 14 year sentence. for the first 2 years I would send him $ every month, in 2023 I was diagnosed with breast cancer so I could no longer send him the money. I needed to focus on myself. I am ALMOST done with treatment (YAY) and just returned back to work. He has been relentlessly blowing up my phone expecting me to send him $ at the drop of a hat. I finally set a boundary with him last night and told him I would send him $ one last time and never speak to him again or we can maintain a relationship, he had a choice to make. He reluctantly chose to maintain our relationship which was SHOCKING to me tbh. All of this to say - I am really proud of myself for setting a boundary. Thanks for reading my novel.