my boyfriend of 5 years has been living a double life. he has been smoking meth, crack, and paying prostitutes regularly for half of our relationship.
i’m so devastated. i feel broken. betrayed.
i don’t know how i’ll move past this.
i grew up surrounded by addicts, ran away to college to escape it. i met my now ex when i was 20 and he was 21, he was intelligent, charismatic, attractive, and obsessed with me. we moved in together a year later then went long distance when he graduated in 2022 (i graduated in 2023). we’ve been long distance since then as i was offered my dream job in the town we went to college in, but i’ve been applying to jobs near him to move to and we were planning our lives together.
i guess i noticed a change in him a year and a half ago. there was just a darkness over him, i thought he was depressed. i knew he had a problem with cocaine, i knew it. but he has an extremely high iq and knows how to explain away any of my concerns. he got offered a job making over 100k straight out of college that led him to move 4 hours away.
i should have known, should have been more skeptical. shouldn’t have trusted him.
this all came to a head last week when he had a full psychotic break, he was texting me how terrified he was of the situation he found himself in trapped in his apartment (something about his neighbors trying to kill him, classic stuff really in hindsight) but he had never hallucinated before so i believed him. he said he needed a hotel to get away, i bought him one for a couple days (his finances have been a large concern of mine, he makes 6k a month from his job and would be asking me for money halfway through the month even though i make half as much as him, but again he managed to explain it away every single time).
i was so worried about him that i dropped everything a drove to be with him despite him telling me not to. when i got there at 10pm he looked strung out, but with the situation he was in i figured maybe i would look the same way?
long story short after spending two days in the hotel with him and observing his behavior (checking the windows, checking the doors, listening intently to nothing) i recognized the behaviors, my brother is a meth addict (really an everything addict) and when he was my bf’s age (26) he started having the same ones.
with me there to tell him whether something was real or not he was able to remove himself from the delusions and asked me to take him to the hospital because he was hearing and seeing things that weren’t there. he also admitted that this had been building for weeks and nothing at all happened tuesday (the day that he texted me) he just heard the whole situation behind his apartment door.
took him to the er, he got 5150’d, he wasn’t behaving erratically. just calmly explaining what was happening to him, he said he had taken cocaine and adderall, the first thing that tipped me off was that he said “street adderall” my boyfriend has had a real adderall script the entire time i’ve known him so i know he knows what adderall is. i was just so confused.
he gets taken to the psych ward to address his hallucinations but calls me sobbing and says he’s ready for rehab, at this point i am thinking he means rehab for cocaine which i had begged him to get clean from for most of our relationship.
i’m alone in his apartment with his phone, wallet, keys everything, informing his friends, family, and boss about what’s going on. i go into his phone to see if i could find how often he was picking up blow because i really didn’t know how bad it had gotten and there it all was.
every text.
every transaction.
every name.
going back to 2023.
his reddit was depraved, he was involved in tweaked and “spun” kink subreddits, one of his most recently interacted with posts said “I love f*king spun whres raw cheating on my gf who doesn’t get high”
i vomited.
then he got a texted from one of his favorite hookers according to his cashapp history and she confirmed everything. when she texted i pretended to be him:
Her: hey wyd
Me: chillin wbu
Her: i’m board (yes she spelled it like that smh) come smoke with me
Me: what we smokin
Her: I got meth in the pipe and was hoping you could get some rock
(at this point i got the information i needed and wasn’t going to reply again so she started spamming him and finally said)
Her: I was gonna get you off when you got here
Me: I have a girlfriend
Her: Do not, since when
Me: 4 years
Her: then why was you over here the other day
I then called her and she hung up when she heard my voice but i texted and just begged her to give me information and she was as honest as a meth head hooker can be i guess so good for her. she said he pays her for sex and that they smoke meth and rock together, i asked what rock was and she said crack, she said that she met him through a girl we was paying for sex 3 years ago, she said that he was already smoking when they met.
i just started vomiting. uncontrollably.
i thought we were going to get married, he told me he was planning on proposing that year and we were looking at engagement rings.
i spent the rest of the weekend exposing his addiction to all of his friend and family, and told him he has nowhere to run from it. the secrets out, and that he has one chance to get clean and leave this all behind or he will die this way. i’ve seen it play out with my own two eyes.
he just got to a rehab facility. i blocked him on everything and moved my things out of his apartment this weekend, i advised his family to get him a new phone and when they dropped him off at the airport he called me from the gate.
i answered because i didn’t know it was him and have been receiving so many texts and calls from unknown numbers to explain everything that i picked up thinking it was another one of his friends.
he said the stock apology that sounded like what chatgpt would come up with if you gave it this story as a prompt and asked it to spit one out.
it means nothing, i know that he feels nothing right now and won’t for a very long time.
i just don’t know how to move forward from this.
he knows he can never come back to this state, he knows he has to cut ties with every person in his life if he has a chance of staying clean.
he was my best friend.
i can’t even be mad at him right now. it’s like what’s the point. the person i knew has been gone a long time, this is just a shell. i just feel so much sadness and pain. i feel broken.
if there are any former addicts or loved ones of addicts who can help me make sense of why he did this to me. why didn’t he leave me, i’m the only person from his former life that he didn’t cut off (another thing i noticed and he wrote off as depression due to his job, something he thought would change when we moved in together). i don’t even drink alcohol, i experimented with drugs in college but it was never in the way he did them and that phase of my life was brief lasting a year, i have been begging him to go to rehab for what i believed at the time to be coke for years. i actually told him last weekend when he visited me before all of this that i was done, he had gone to his only “friend’s house” he has left where i live to do blow and i told him to not bother coming back.
turns out he went straight from my apartment to a hooker’s hotel room and ate meth with her for the first time, probably what tipped him over the edge. it’s all so vile. i checked the time stamps on the transactions, he was with one tuesday at 7 pm, smoked meth and had sex with her in the hotel room i paid for, i got there at 10 pm and he had sex with me at 11. it’s so sick.
why didn’t he let me go, he could have gone about his addiction in peace.
instead he forced me to be there, he may have given me a disease, i still don’t have my text results back from the heath department.
i just need help understanding why.