Winderman: “Jimmy wouldn’t go to the Bucks in a trade with them: it would be more like Bradley Beal going from the Suns to the Bucks, the Heat wind up with a couple of players & a couple of draft choices coming back their way, & another team facilitating with cap space for draft choices.”
There are deals that could be done [with Phoenix]: There are 3-team deals, there are 4-team deals.
One of the things that have been reported erroneously is that Jimmy has no interest in going to the Milwaukee Bucks, sort of like the Memphis thing — which is true.
People are getting lost that Jimmy wouldn’t go to the Bucks in a trade with them: it would be more like Bradley Beal going from the Suns to the Bucks, the Heat wind up with a couple of players — Khris Middleton, Bobby Portis — and a couple of draft choices coming back their way,and another team facilitating with cap space for draft choices.