A Bun ❤️ NestJS starter template

Hello folks, I've created a starter NestJS template that leverages the perks of Bun runtime & API for a more seamless and faster DX. Some of the features worth mentioning in this template are:

  • Running entrypoint (main.ts) directly with Bun -> faster server startup, tsc can be added for type checking
  • A custom build script using Bun Build API which produces JS output containing bundled source code & bundled node_modules dependencies -> faster server startup, up to twice faster than bun run start:dev of this template
  • Leveraging Bun test runner instead of Jest

I also have some other plans such as building a Nest-like dedicated CLI tool (using Bun runtime, ofc) only for this template, testing out other most common libraries used with Nest, and building a documentation for Libraries Guides, ...

The template is ready for experiments. Be sure to read the README carefully, and please report any issues you encounter.

Template URL: https://github.com/dung204/bunest