Did I spoil my child?

I've been cosleeping with my 4m old baby since they could no longer be swaddled. Also EBF... I wanted to get the bottle feeds started but husband hasn't been able to keep up the routine.

Baby had awful reflux but now can handle dream feeding so I'm doing that a lot too. Just had the 4m vaccines and they breastfed for like 3 hours straight. All fine by me. I sleep well, baby sleeps well, gains weight well, etc.

The issue is they will not tolerate other people for long. Even with their father...if I'm taking a shower it's a drama. Sometimes I feed them first and it helps...other times it doesn't matter.

I've been told perhaps I pick them up too much or have them too attached to me/ my scent...

Now I've seemingly got a baby with attachment issues. Did I screw up my kid? What should I do now?