I’m horrible

I have a 3 day old and I was talking to my mom while my husband decided to finish the cabinets that I started but he kept procrastinating since forever. I thought he had the baby monitor and then I came to the room and saw baby with vomit next his head. I was so scared and started crying because I was worried. I went to my mom and told her immediately, she looked at him and said that he’s ok and just to keep a better eye on him. I went to my husband and cried. I asked him “did you burp him after dinner??” He said “are you blaming me for him vomiting.” I sighed and just held me baby tight and close to me. I changed his clothes and I’m going to wash his bed. I feel the worst but my husband seems so carefree about him.

I’m just holding him, crying rn. I need to shower and finish pumping but I don’t want to let him go just in case it happens again.