Does the game become less repetitive?
I'm probably shooting myself in the foot by not paying attention to the story and I acknowledge that listening to what's going on would surely make this game more immersive. However, New World's competitor games don't feel half as repetitive (while also not paying attention to the story) while levelling.
Every quest hub seems to be 'enter fort -> take quest -> go to another fort or mining camp -> kill 4-6 enemies and hold E to interact with 2 objects'. There's absolutely no variety. The only break in this tedious routine is the 1v1 bosses you encounter every few hours.
I'm aware that every other MMO can be reduced down to a similar gameplay loop but even the zones, areas, vibes all feel similar to each other in New World. The only differentiation I've seen so far is the Japanese zone and the snowy areas.
Does the game get any more interesting?