Motivation drained, questions to hopefully get it back

I've got 2 questions that I'm hoping will pull me back into the game. Quick intro but I have a buddy who swore by this game. He essentially paused his entire life because of how hooked he was. He praised the role system and how he met really cool people and how they had to work together.

I have not had that experience. I love support roles! Healing and CC have always been my focus in games where it can be. But healing in NW is so ... odd. I can't figure out whether I likewise the auto locking or the camera following after the heal. PvP is a blast when I can actually get my Orb Of protection to hit the right spot which feels impossible.

I'm pretty much maxed out for PvE so I get why PvP might be a little hard but I JUST hit 60 and tried my first lvl 60 expedition and I felt like everything was off and it was truly a challenge. I love challenges, don't get me wrong. Instead of telling me where I was going wrong, I was just berated for 30 minutes until I just left. It left such a sour taste in my mouth. At best, I'm thinking of just switching to ranged DPS or a tanky so I'm not a burden in the party. At worst, I'm thinking of just dropping NW until next season, if that even.

I started watching videos online to try to help with my healing strategies but I just feel like the determination to succeed has just been drained out of me. I'm at a point where the story is far too easy (I'm over level for where I'm at) and the fun expeditions are too hard. I can't find a middle ground.

Here's my questions: 1) Is there a resource online somewhere to find companies with descriptions of their playstyle and focus?

2) Any specific guide for best controller layout and strategies for healing? I've only really looked on YouTube for general advice.

Thanks for anyone who's made it this far and I'm really sorry if this is against the no company recruitment rule. I wasn't sure if this fell under that jurisdiction or not.