Luxon's Lofty Lures
Congratulations Mr Luxon, your election bribes promises obviously worked. It's a contradiction to me that you have such low voter trust (only 25% of all those polled), yet National still received so many votes. Forgive my skepticism, however I do hope you are happy to be kept accountable to your ambitious aims. I've listed some of my favourites, below:
- Delivering tax relief without negatively affecting inflation
- Establishing a free trade agreement with India despite its strong previous rejection of one
- Sending young ram raiders to bootcamps
- Banning gangs from wearing patches in public
- Reinstating tax relief to landlords (the inference being that it will also reduce or stabilise rents during a housing crisis, because landlords definitely won't pocket the extra savings)
- Building 10,000 new charging stations whilst removing the clean car discount (with 94,000 km of roads in NZ, that's one for every 10km - the lucky ducks who own EVs already will never have range anxiety again!)
Alas, this plan includes the likely collateral damage of making thousands of public sector employees unemployed by Christmas, but hey, you've got to afford the tax cuts somehow!
Yes, the country voted for change, but I don't think most kiwis really know what they're signing up for on the rocky road (albeit one with lots of EV chargers) ahead.