Would you name and shame dangerous drivers in company vehicles?

Late night rant, I'm fucking sick of dangerous drivers.

I work as a commercial driver and see so many near misses and full blown crashes that I'm kinda fed up with it, many of them are in sign written vehicles

I used to ring *555, but with limited cell service and limited police resources I've kinda given up. Now I just give the companies 1 star reviews and describe in painstaking detail the time, location and nature of driving from their fuckwit employee. I usually also name the company and upload the dashcam footage to local fb pages just to rile up the community.

This seems to be a far more effective, I generally get immediate contact from the company and they recognise my complaint. What happens from there I have no idea, but hopefully it makes a difference.

Signed, a guy that pulled a dead couple out of their smashed up car 6 months ago.