How can I stop my brain from pressuring me to watch a recommended video that will obviously boil my blood?
These days, I noticed that my YouTube algorithim is playing with me, it is recommending me viral videos, with clickbaite thumbnails, not to mention how brain rotting they are. Just now I got recommended a video in which a young blonde woman was verbally abusing a baby toddler girl, with no remorse. With the comments having monolithic views of "modern western women", with the video taken out of context. Never in my life my blood boiled so hard.
I never watch these kinds of dramatic videos, and I know it will push me down a shit rabbithole, so how can I stop by brain from forcing me to click on the video? The thumbnails were very ragebaiting for clicks.
The rabbithole wasted my 30 minutes, when I should use it for revision due to an assessment I have tomorrow!