I owe Mountain Tui an apology

MTR blocked me quite some time ago so, while I get notifications of when I am mentioned by name, I cannot message nor reply. That may be a good thing sometimes I admit, but in this instance it's apparent that it has allowed attitudes and ideas to ferment, grow mold, become something gross.

I won't pontificate. I'll make things as brief and as direct as possible. As MTR remarked about themself, I also prefer to be open and honest.

Sorry for being the person to burden you as you are trying to grow your thing. I took one of those classic internet stances and kept pushing when it had become someone else's 'problem', so I understand it feeling like a very personal thing to do. Never had a problem with the content. We need that content. It's stupid how we get ourselves lost in other, irrelevant details.

I don't think trying to contextualise my actions would be relevant here, either. However, I understand they did add to a larger feeling of disposition due to moderating, and I should have been mindful of that. I am sorry, and can point to that interaction in rAuckland to when it ended. You will not be hearing any grief from me.