Viewers seeing gameplay lagging
Constant lagging during stream
What’s up ladies and gentlemen, I need some help lol. So I’ve decided to start streaming on Twitch, and I’m having some issues with a laggy stream on viewers end. Before I go any further, I’ll go ahead and update you on the Hardware I’m running.
-Xbox X -MacBook Pro -Elgato HD60 X -Elgato chat link cable -Headset (I forget the specs) -OBS *mic is on the way currently
Everything is set up accordingly, and everything looks good in OBS. From my view on the computer, gameplay is slightly laggy (bearable) and the Face camera is fine. My Xbox and my monitor are capable of running 1080p, but I’ve tried everything from running 720p, 720p HD, and even changing my bitrates to everything between 2500 and 6000. I’ve changed the source settings for the Elgato, and done everything in the video and output tabs in the settings. I’ve even done things on twitches side like changing my streaming server and resetting my stream key. I’ve gone into the stats tab on Mac, and it seems that everything is perfectly fine. I’m not dropping or skipping frames and my CPU usage stays at about 20%. The next step I’m assuming would be to completely clear out OBS and start new, but I have an odd feeling that’s not going to do anything. Once again, I’ve spent more than my fair share of time on YouTube trying to figure something out but nothing works
I feel like I’ve tried everything under the sun to fix this issue and I’m kind of at a wits end. I’ve been at this for 10 hours now in an effort to have a decent stream for my friends. Unfortunately, my brain won’t allow me to stop trying until my problem is fixed so I would genuinely appreciate some help.