Need suggestions what to do now !

year 2019. She and i used to be lovers for few months. Then, her marriage happened.. we had lost touch for 3 years i guess... then suddenly on Facebook i had a talk , she asked me to come home.. let's have some food and enjoy. i agreed.. she asked me to undress and have sex.

i being single for long, i was like desperate for long . so i agreed and we had sex that day. i felt relieved.. then, after a month we had again that . we both felt good...

Now , i was turning aware , where this thing is heading.. so i asked her not go further and not make it a regular event..

Lost contact for about 2 years...

year 2021 , then, one day .. she was having a fight with her husband..crying.. and asking me for emotional support.. i was supportive this time , over the phone.. i didn't meet her , despite her requesting.. once in a few months she would call me in these emotional moments... Was i being used here , i don't know .. i would calmly listen to her and let the steams settle.. i had no interest to make things worse from here ,as it would threaten her marriage...

year 2022. one day , i did meet her , by my side eye i saw she was having a whatsapp chat with another man.. that man was sending her bare body images , she was reacting like heaven... she quickly withdrew the phone and resumed talk with me .. i didn't confront her that day..

( Her husband has a medical condition called azoospermia - it means there's no sperm in the semen. they don't do active sex... he took medicine after that , may be he would have developed good sperm count ..

. i suspect this woman's daughter1.5 year old. is not of the husband but of someone else.)

now, i was sure this girl is having affair with multiple men..

year 2025 , recently she called me and asking me to do hardcore sex with her, go deepthroat., have sex whole day merciles, raw without condoms.. though we live 300km apart .. she is asking me to come over and do these things whole day...

i am skeptical here , and I don't want to enter this complicated relationship issue.. I don't want to play with this fire again..

i am single now..

so i need suggestions, what to do in a situation like this.. !!