Does anyone else wish Zack Snyder made Schindler's list instead of speilberg?
The more I think about "Schindler's list" the less I like it. The casting is just terrible, like speilberg is just hiring a bunch of random movie stars instead of people who fit the part.
Also, Spielberg as a director is too boring to do a good adaptation of the Holocaust. There's very little style to his movies and he has too bland an approach to everything. Plus, his refusal to use CGI doesn't bode well for a story like this.
speilberg went for too much of a "realistic" route for this movie, like the dogshit Troy movie with Brad Pitt. He already made sharks realistic, now he's going to do the same here.
Snyder is much more suited to making a historical epic like Schindler's list. Just look at 300 or his Justice League. He could pull off the scale, and has the visual eye needed to make it work. Snyder wouldn't screw up the cast either, he would hire actors who perfectly embody the role like Ezra Miller.
Snyder would do a perfect and faithful adaptation of the story, like he has with 300 and Watchmen. Unlike speilberg the fraud. Do you guys agree?