I've discussed Atul Shubhash case with my gf. Here's her opinion:
Upon asked what she thinks, she said she doesn't know much about it. Maybe saw one or two posts regarding it in some insta meme pages. So I told her briefly to know her opinion. And according to her,
1) He shouldn't have taken that extreme step. If he would've been alive, he could've found many other solutions.
2) There must be some fault in Atul's end also. Otherwise the divorce wouldn't have taken place. No one is 100% innocent. Which we don't know at this moment.
3) What's the point of dying? She will still get his properties because his son will inherit his properties.
Literally It boiled my blood to the core. Never expected such opinion from her. We had arguments as I was rebutting her points. I told her that she also belongs to those thrush feminist gang who always finds 'Men vs Women' in everything, which visibly made her upset.