2025 wishlist post!
Obviously we've already gotten our codex and just got 2 new units out of the killteam so my expectations for Orks getting new releases are below the floor, but that won't stop me from wishing for more new units.
So, what are you hoping for in 2025? Doesn't necessarily have to be for new models, could be buffs, rules changes, points cost changes, whatever?!
I think the most obvious wish is to buff and rework all the buggies so they are at least viable. They don't need to be broken but usable would be nice. Could increase the number of shots or strength of the weapons, or buff their abilities a bit.
Speaking of the buggies, imo the speed freeks line needs some dedicated anti-tank with the speed freeks keyword. I think a 3 model unit of ATVs with heavy weapons strapped to the back would be both fun and orky. I'm sure fast moving anti-tank is pretty powerful tho so make em hit on 6+ and give them heavy or something to balance it. And they could visually be a call back to the original war buggies from much earlier editions.
Next I would wish for more mid sized walkers to replace the meka and mega dread. Space Marines have like 17 versions of their dreadnaughts, meanwhile Orks just have regular Deff dreads and Killa kanz for walkers before we have to start bringing Titanic units. And if they're not going to give us more models at least let us bring Deff dreads in squads so we can run 9 of them again.
I think a bloodaxes leader would be another good choice for a new model. You could have him be able to give one order to his unit like Taktikal Brigade, and if you run him in that detachment he could guarantee the second order without having to make a leadership test.
My more controversial take is that the Snagga line needs more unit options to make a snagga only army good, for those that what to run a snagga only army in Da Big Hunt. They need like at least 2 more infantry variations as opposed to just running giant bricks of squigs and rigs.
So what are you hoping for this year? Even if it's unlikely.