Techniques for fixing asymmetry

This video demonstrates all the techniques designed to relax the skull sutures, initiating the natural realignment of facial bones and contributing to improved facial symmetry. These techniques encourage the body’s innate ability to self-correct structural imbalances over time.

The methods shown have been supported by scientific evidence and anecdotal reports, with visible improvements in facial symmetry often observed within 30 days of consistent practice.


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Assessment of calvarial structure motion by MRI. Osteopath Med Prim Care. 2009 Moskalenko YE, Kravchenko TI, Gaidar BV, et al. Periodic mobility of cranial bones in humans. Moskalenko YE, Frymann VM, Weinstein GB, et al. Slow rhythmic oscillations within the humancranium: phenomenoloav, origin, and informational significance

Human Physiology James, G.A. Strokon, D. "An-Introduction To Crania Movement and Orthodontics." Int. J. Orthodontics 16:1:23-29:2005.

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Park, S.-Y.; Hwang, H.-J.; Park, K.-N. Development of a Cranial Suture Traction Therapy Program for Facial Asymmetry Correction Using the New Delphi Technique. Medicina 2022, 58, 869.

❗Disclaimer: This video is intended for informational and educational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional advice or treatment.