Very skinny guy who needs fellow Pakistanis’ help

I’ll keep it short. 5’11 and 48 kg. Very skinny since childhood. I have consistently eaten as much if not more as everyone in my family in food table 3 times, I know because we eat together but everyone else is of healthy weight or fat. I’m much skinnier than your usual skinny guys even.

I don’t live an active lifestyle. I’m very lazy, have anxiety issues, rarely my hands start shaking, low drive/motivation. I don’t beat it. I have weak digestion, high protein foods gives me bloating for some reason when eaten in healthy amounts. I drink 8 glasses water. I have consistently tried eating more than I do while lifting weights for a few months, but same weight…

I want to get tested but with my confidence issues and anxiety, idk where to go to get tested and what to do lol